Wood Family Radio

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Lauren's Graduation 2012

Lauren is my youngest sister, and she graduated last night. She sang the National Anthem, 
and did an AMAZING job. Here are some pictures of the ceremony and our family. 
Singing the National Anthem

Receiving her diploma 

Lauren and I 

Jennifer and Lauren

Jr. and Lauren

Mom and Lauren 

Aunt Marla and Lauren 

Justin (my little brother) and Lauren 

Jayme (Lauren's boyfriend) 

Joyanna and Lauren 

Congratulations Lauren! I am so proud of you and love you very much! 
Wishing you all God's blessing in your new ventures ahead!


  1. You look very sexy in your dress :) I can't believe how big Joyanna looks in her carseat in that picture :( I need to come visit!

  2. ha ha! thanks Sarah!!
    I told you Joyanna was getting big lol.


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