Wood Family Radio

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A little of it All

My "count down the days" paper chain. I got the idea from 
a friend, and Jr loves it!
P.S. The picture is old it's only about 3 weeks now!!

Love this sign! Got it for a steal $1 at the thrift store!!

Dinner.... Chicken Devan! YUM!!

I know.... She looks like .... "I have to eat this garbage?" 
But hey- its good for her!

and here's Jr not eating because he's watching TV- GO FIGURE

....SEE she likes it.. the bowl is almost empty!...wait-
 maybe thats why she is smiling?

Well thats all folks! Just wanted to post some recent pics!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Snow, Snow, Go Away!! Come back next winter, when I'M GONE!!

So I came home from church today to find this!!
 Please keep i mind that I'm wearing high heels, no stockings ( I HATE THEM!), and I have two sleeping kids!! Well, I managed to wake Jr up to see if he would walk- that was a BIG NEGATIVE! So I stood there trying to figure out whether to make him walk (a.k.a. drag him), or carry him possibly falling...WELL I ended up loosing the shoes and walking barefoot in the snow, carrying Jr, until I could get inside and put my boots on to get Jennifer. UGH!! 

Now, I am very grateful this is all I had to shovel, (my neighbor informed me that she had someone plow the driveway because her husband, (who normally shovels) is out of town. I just don't know where I am gonna keep putting it.  LOL .Today I was throwing some  over my fence into the backyard!! We either need winter to be done, a lot of sun, or I need a bigger yard!!

My sidewalk before

From my front door

This is my privacy fence and the snow it to the top on one section!

My sidewalk after

This is my neighbor's sidewalk, but I just thought it was kind of crazy how high the banks were!


My poor boots!