Wood Family Radio

Monday, January 7, 2013

The Children's Christmas Program at Church

The kid's Christmas program was so much fun to watch! From year to year it amazes me how much the kids in out church grow and change. It hit me this year that one of the older kids played baby Jesus one year! Man how time flies!!

Jennifer was an angel

 Jesse was a Shepard....it was so hard to keep him in his costume lol

Jason, Joel, Jesse....imagine all three Js in one Sunday school class. I am always mixing them up! 

say cheese...this is what I got...simultaneously 

Joyanna saying....I am here too! 

saying John 3:16

Singing "Jesus Loves Me"

the entire group 

the kids did such an awesome job this year! 


  1. They are soooo cute! I can't believe they are big enough to be IN a program! Crazy! Miss you all so much!

  2. i know!! isn't it crazy how time flies!!


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