Wood Family Radio

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Fun!

Jr and Jennifer at Trunk or Treat! 

We went to see Mrs. Shana and Pop before we headed to
 our church's Fall Festival...This is the best pick we got :)

I didn't get very many pictures, but the kids had a blat at the festival and Jennifer came
 home with pink hair lol...(yes it will wash out)...looking forward to next year already.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

What We Have Been Up To!

 Well I guess we can start with Jr....He is great!! He loves school and he couldn't be doing any better! 
I am so very proud of him!!

We went to the fair a few weekends ago to watch Aunt Heather show this cow
 and Jr. was brave enough to touch her!

Jennifer.... She is in a big girl bed now, and is sleeping much better....Thank Goodness!
As you can see- she loves it!!

isn't she adorable!!! she is such a big helper with Joyanna during the day! 
she loves her little sister :)

And my sweet Joyanna! She is getting so big...she loves being in the swing at Gammy's house!


I told you she was getting big... she is pulling up on everything...
I guess I better get ready for three little mobile ones! lol

And me .....I stay super busy. But I love it!!!
I am helping my very good friend Meghan coach the flagline from my old high school 
and though its kinda stressful....I thoroughly enjoy it!! 

Hope this finds all of you well! Love always, Amanda!